The story of the appointment of Umar bin Abdul Aziz to become Caliphate

Among the virtues of Sulaimana bin Abdul Malik is that he is pleased to receive advice from a fiqh expert, Raja 'bin Haiwah al-Kindi, who proposed when Sulaiman was sick and eventually died, to appoint Umar bin Abdul Aziz as his successor. Finally, Sulaiman established a will which did not give any gap to the devil at all (Ashr ad-Daulatain al-Umawiyah wa al-Abbasiyah, p. 37). Ibn Sirin said, "May Allah bless Sulaiman, he began his Caliphate by reviving prayer and ending it by appointing Umar bin Abdul Aziz as his successor."

The Caliph of Solomon died in 99H, Umar bin Abdul Aziz pronounced his body, written in his stamp, "I have faith in Allah with sincerity." (Siyar A'lam Nubala, 5: 11-12).

There are several histories about the appointment of Umar bin Abdul Aziz as caliph. Among these narrations are those narrated by Ibn Sa'ad in the Thabaqat of Suhail bin Abu Suhail, he said, I heard King 'bin Haiwah said, "On Friday, Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik wore a green shirt from wool , he reflected and said, 'I am the young king'. Then he went out to perform Friday prayers with the people, he immediately got sick when he returned home, when he got sick he wrote a will for his son Ayyub. Ayyub is an immature child, I said to him, yang What did you do O Amir al-mu'minin? Among the kindness of someone who flows to his grave is that he raises pious people afterward. ' Solomon said, ini This will, I am still berarahharah to Allah, still considering, and have not decided with certainty. '

One or two days after that Solomon burned the letter, then he invited me. He asked, 'What do you think about Dawud bin Sulaiman?' I replied, 'He is in Constantinople, you yourself do not know he is alive or dead'. Sulaiman asked, 'Who do you think is O King'? 'I replied,' It is up to you O Amir al-mu'minin '. I said so because I was still considering myself. Sulaiman said, mu What do you think Umar bin Abdul Aziz? ’I replied, Allah For God's sake, I know that he is the main man, the Muslim choice’. Solomon said, 'Yes, he is the person, but if I appoint him and do not appoint any of the sons of Abdul Malik, then it can trigger division, they will not let him lead forever, unless I appoint someone from them after Umar . I will appoint Yazid bin Abdul Malik after Umar. - At that time Yazid was not in place, he became Amirul Haj - That would make Abdul Malik's children calm and accepting. ' I said, 'It's up to you.'

Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik wrote his hand letter, ‘In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, Most Merciful. This is the will of Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, Amir al-mu'minin, to Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Indeed, I gave the Caliphate to him after me and afterwards to Yazid bin Abdul Malik, listen and obey, fear Allah, do not quarrel, because your enemies will hope to defeat you. ' Then Solomon stamped the letter.

Sulaiman then asked Ka'ab bin Hamid, head of the caliph's guards, to gather his family. Ka'ab implement and collect them. After they gathered, Solomon said to Raja ', bring my will to them, tell them that this is my will, ask them to pledge to the person I'm pointing to.' The King carried it out, when the King delivered this, they said, 'We listen and obey who is listed in it'. They said, kami Can we meet Amir al-mu'minin to say hello? 'Raja' answered, 'Please.' They entered, Solomon said to them, 'That is my will, -Sulaiman refers to the letter in the King's hand' and they see the letter- That is my last message, listen, obey and obey the person I mentioned by name in the will ' Raja 'said,' Then they pledged one by one '. Then Raja 'brings the stamped letter out'. "

The king said, "When they left that place, Umar came to me, he said, 'O Abu al-Miqdam, indeed Solomon is very respectful and affectionate to me, he is gentle and kind, I am afraid he will hand over some of these things to me ask you in the name of Allah then with honor and love, so that you tell me if the case is so, so that I can resign at this time before the coming of a situation where I am unable to change it again '. Raja 'replied,' Not for the sake of Allah, I will not preach one letter to you '. So Umar left irritably. "

Raja 'said, "Hisham bin Abdul Malik met me and said," Surely between myself and yourself there is a good relationship and long love, I also know thank you, tell me am I the person mentioned in the letter? If I am the person, then I know. If someone else, then I will speak, someone like me is not worthy of being underestimated, this kind of thing is not worthy of being kept away from someone like me, tell me. I promise that God's name to you will not mention your name forever '. "

Raja 'said, "I refused Hisham's request, I said," Not for Allah's sake, I will not open a single letter to you from what Sulaiman has kept secret to me.' Hisham left while clapping one hand in the other, he said, ‘To whom was this case handed over if not to me, were we considered not the son of Abdul Malik? For God's sake, actually I am the real Bani Abdul Malik's son. '

The king said, "I met Sulayman bin Abdul Malik, it turned out he was dead, but I still found moments of his death sacred, every time he faced him, then I faced him towards the Qibla, Solomon said with a hiccup, 'O king' , the time hasn't come yet. ' Until I repeated it twice, at the third time Solomon said, 'Now O King', if you want something, then I testify that there is no worship other than Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger '. "

Raja 'said, "So I confronted him in the direction of Qibla, and Solomon died. I closed his eyes, I covered him with a green cloth, I closed the door, his wife sent an envoy to ask permission to see the situation, I said to him, 'He has slept and is covered in blankets'. The envoy had seen Solomon clothed with cloth, he went home to tell his wife, his wife was calm because he thought that Solomon was sleeping. "

Raja 'said, "I asked someone I trusted to stand at the door, I told him not to leave until I myself came to him and did not allow anyone to enter to meet the caliph. Then I called Ka'ab bin Hamid al-Ansi, I asked him to gather the Amir al-mu'minin family, they gathered at the Dabiq mosque, I said to them, 'Bless you'. They answered, "We have taken a pledge, now pledge allegiance again?" One by one they pledged for the second time. "

Raja 'said, "When they were willing to pledge allegiance for the second time, then I was sure that I had arranged this business as well as possible, I said," See the Caliph Sulaiman, because he has died'. They said, 'Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun'. Then I read the contents of Solomon's will, when I mentioned the name Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Hisham said, "We will not pledge allegiance forever." Raja ’said,‘ By Allah, I will cut off your neck, stand up and pledge allegiance '. Then Hisham stood up by "dragging" his legs.

The King continued, "I held the shoulder of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, I sat him on the pulpit, while Umar bin Abdul Aziz said," Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. " He regretted what he got. While Hisham also said the same words because he was not appointed by Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik as his successor. Hisham met Umar bin Abdul Aziz, he said, 'Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun'. Because the Caliphate had changed hands from Abdul Malik's children to Umar bin Abdul Aziz. So Umar answered, 'Yes, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun'. Because the case came to his hand even though he didn't like it. "(Tabari, 7: 445).

Abu al-Hasan an-Nadawi said about the King's attitude, "Raja" has done a great service that Islam will not forget. I do not know a man among the king's friends and people, who can benefit (with closeness and position) like the benefits given by the King. (Rijal al-Fikr wa ad-Da'wah, 1: 40).

Umar climbed the pulpit, and in the first face-to-face meeting with the people, he said, "The congregation, in fact I have been tested with this case, without being asked for opinion, never questioned and there was no discussion with the Muslims. I have canceled the allegiance for me, now choose someone to lead you. "People simultaneously replied," O Amirul Mukminin, we have chosen you, we accept you, please lead us with kindness and blessing. "

At that time Umar felt that he could not escape the responsibility of the Caliph, so Umar added his words to explain his policies in organizing Muslims (Umar bin Abdul Aziz wa Siyasatuhu fi Radd al-Mazhalim, p. 102), "Amma ba'du, there are no more prophets after your prophet, no book other than the book was revealed to him. Know that what Allah forbids is lawful until the Day of Judgment. I am not a judge, I am only an executor, and I am not a doer but I am a follower of the Sunnah. There is no right for anyone to obey in disobedience. Know it I'm not the best person among you, I'm just a man part of you, only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala gives me a heavier burden than you.

Muslims, who approached me, should approach with five cases, if not, then do not approach: First, complain about the intention of people who are not able to complain, secondly, help me in kindness as far as his ability, third, show the way to me as I am prosecuted to walk the road, fourth, do not make fun of the people, and fifth, do not deny me in matters that are not his business.

I intend to you that you fear Allah, because piety to Allah has a good effect on everything, and there is no good if there is no fear. Bless for your afterlife, for those who do good deeds for the Hereafter, surely Allah will provide for his world. Repair (guard) the secret (which is in you), may Allah correct what is seen from your (deeds). Expand remembering death, prepare well before death approaches you, because death is a destroyer of pleasure. Surely this people do not disagree about their Lord, not about the Prophet, not about the Book, but this people are at odds because of the dinars and dirhams. Indeed, I, for the sake of Allah, will not give a vanity to someone and will not hinder someone's right. "

Then Umar raised his voice so that people would hear, "The congregation, whoever obeys Allah, is obliged to obey and whoever disobeys Allah, it is not obligatory to obey him in this matter. Obey me as long as I (command to) obey God, but if (my command) disobey Him, then you must not obey it ... "then Umar came down from the pulpit.

Such was the procession of the appointment of Umar bin Abdul Aziz to become the caliph of the Muslim community, one of the caliphs of the Umawi State. He was appointed on Friday, 11 Shafar 99 H (al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah, 12: 667).


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