The Law of Insulting the Descendants of the Prophet in Islam

The Law of Insulting the Descendants of the Prophet in Islam

As Muslims, we are obliged to love the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam and his temple experts.

In addition, we must also believe in the virtues of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and his temple experts over all Muslims and believers.

The primacy and height of their degrees are not the same. This depends on who among them is Islamic.

Which included the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam for example is the Khulafaur Rashidun and the companions who participated in the Battle of Badr and others.

As for those who included the expert bait or ahlul bait of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam were the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam and his descendants, all the Muslims and Muslimah from the descendants of Abdul Muthalib, and the descendants of Banu Hashim bin Abd Manaf, Allahu'alam.

Imam Ibn Hazm Rahimahullah said,

"Syaibah was born to Hashim ibn Abd Manaf and he was Abdul Muthalib, he was a benchmark of glory. There are no descendants of the Banu Hashim except Abdul Muthalib alone. "(Jamharoh Ansab Al-Arob).

Expert stanzas or ahlul bait of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam had several virtues, of which they were sanctified by Allah SWT, they were chosen people of Allah, they were entitled to get one fifth of ghonimah property and wealth fa'i, they were not lawful to receive alms, and nasab they are not broken until the end.

Therefore, every Muslim should do good to them by carrying out special rituals for the Prophet temple experts, including the following.

- Love them based on the love of Allah and His Messenger to them.
- Believing their superiority over all Muslims and other believers.
- Does not mention bad and disputes that occur between them.
- Believing the glory of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad and actually they were pure and clean, and the most important people among them were Khadijah binti Khuwailid and ‘Aisyah bint Abu Bakar.

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said,

"There is no need to doubt the will to do good to the temple expert and glorify them, because they are from the sacred descendants, born of the noblest house on the face of this earth in pride and nasab.

Moreover, if they follow the clear Sunnah of the Nabawiyyah, which is clear, as reflected in their predecessors such as Al-Abbas and their descendants, Ali and their families and descendants, may Allah bless them all. "(Tafsir Ibn Kathir 4/113).

And, because of the primacy of the temple expert as Muslims we are forbidden to denounce or insult the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasalam. Imam Bukhari in his saheeh book has told that Abu Bakr radhiyallahu ‘anhu said,

"Pay attention to Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam in his family" (Narrated by Bukhari)

Al Hafizh Ibn Hajar rahimahullah explained that the purpose of the words above are,

"Abu Bakr radhiyallahu‘ anhu appealed to humans and had an inheritance to them. The point is that people protect temple experts, don't hurt them and do bad things to them. "(Fathul Bari 7/101)

Thus it can be concluded that the law insulting the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam is prohibited.

Thus a brief review of the law insulted the descendants of the Prophet. Other articles that can be read include the punishment of insulting the Prophet Muhammad, the law insulting the Qur'an, the punishment of insulting the Qur'an, the law insulting Allah in the heart, the law insulting lafadz Allah, the law insulting Islam, the law insulting the ulama in Islam, and
big sin in Islam. May be useful.


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