Tabi'in Thawus bin Kaisan Straight Counselor

Shortly after the Muslim caliph Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan lowered his belongings near Baitul Atiq, then let go of his longing for the Ka'bah, he turned to his bodyguard and said, "Look for a god who can warn us on a glorious day between days this day of God. "

The guard departed to meet the people who were in the pilgrimage and asked according to what the Caliph wanted. People say, "Here is Thawus bin Kaisan, the most honest figure of the expert jurist who said in preaching to Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Therefore, meet him. "

The guard approached Thawus and said, "Follow us, Amir al-mu'minin invites you O shaykh!"

Without wasting time, Thawus followed him. According to him that every da'i should not waste time if there is an opportunity. Every time they are invited, they arrive immediately. He also believes that the main sentence to be delivered is the correct sentence to straighten the rulers who deviate and keep them away from tyranny and cruelty, while bringing them closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Arriving in front of the Commander of the Faithful, he greeted and was greeted very cordially. Then the Caliph guided him to his assembly, then asked about the question of the Hajj rituals. He listened diligently and respectfully.

When he felt that Amir al-mu'minin had obtained the necessary information and there were no more questions, Thawus said to himself, "This is the assembly which you will be asked to hold accountable by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, O Thawus."

Thawus, turned to the Caliph and said, "O Amir al-mu'minin, actually there is a large rock on the edge of the well of the land. The stone was thrown to the bottom of the land and only reached its base after 70 years. Do you know for whom the well is provided, O Amirul Mukminin? "

The Caliph said, "No, duhai woe, for whom is that?" Thawus bin Kaisan replied, "For those whom Allah is the enforcer of His law, but he misused him."

Suddenly the body of the Caliph Sulaiman trembled until I assumed his soul would fly from his body. After that he sobbed. Then Thawus left the Majlis and went home while the Caliph prayed that Thawus would receive more reply from Allah.

When the caliph moved into the hands of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Thawus received a letter from Amir al-mu'minin in its contents, "Give me advice, O Abu Abdirrahman!" Thawus bin Kaisan answered the letter with a line of brief sentences, lift up guards from good people, greetings. "

For the sake of reading the answer letter the caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz said, "Enough of this as a warning ... enough of this as a warning ..."

Similarly, when the Caliphate turned to Hisham bin Abdul Malik, many famous and impressive events occurred between him and Thawus bin Kaisan.

An example is the event when Hisham came to perform the Hajj. As soon as he entered the Land of Haram, he said to the leaders of Mecca: "Find me a friend of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam." They said, "O Amirul Mukminin, the friends have died one by one until none is left." Hisham said, "If thus, find among the tabi'in clerics! "Then Thawus bin Kaisan was called.

Thawus bin Kaisan came to face him, he opened his shoes on the edge of the rug, then greeted without mentioning "Amirul Mukminin" and only mentioned his name without honorary attributes. Then he immediately sat down before the Caliph gave permission and invited him.

Apparently Hisham was offended by the treatment, so that anger appeared from his eyes. He considered it impolite and disrespectful, especially in the presence of officials and bodyguards.

It's just that he realized that he was in the Land of Haram, the house of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala so he held himself back and said,

Hisham: "Why did you do that, O Thawus?"

Thawus: "What am I doing?"

Hisham: "You take off your shoes on the edge of my rug, you don't greet honor, you just call my name without a title then sit down before being invited."

Thawus: "As for removing shoes, I take them off five times a day before God Almighty, so you should not be angry or angry. As for the problem I did not give a greeting without mentioning the title of the Believer of the Believers, that is because not all Muslims pay your respects to you. Therefore, I am afraid to be said to be a liar when calling you a believer in the faith. You are not willing to say your name without a degree of greatness, even though Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala called His prophets with their names, "O David, O Yahya, O Moses, O Isa." Instead refer to the enemy by including a title ("Destroy the two hands of Abu Lahab and indeed he will perish").

As for why I sat down before being invited, this was because I heard Amir al-mu'minin Ali bin Abi Talib said, "If you want to see an expert in hell, then look at a person who sits while the people around him stand." . ”Amir al-mu'minin Hisham heard the explanation seriously.

Hisham: "O Abu Badurrahman, give me advice!"

Thawus: "I have heard Ali bin Abi Talib say," In the land there are snakes as large as pillars and scorpions as big as horses. They bite and sting every ruler who is unfair to his people. "

After that he got up from his seat then left.

There are times when Thawus bin Kaisan came to the rulers to give instructions and advice. Sometimes he criticized and made them cry.

His son said, "One year we departed from Yemen to perform the Hajj, then stopped in a city where there was an official named Ibn Najih. He is the most depraved official, the most anti-starch towards the truth and most struggles in the valley of kebathilan.

Upon arrival, we stopped at the city mosque to perform fardhu prayers. Apparently Ibn Najih had heard about my father's arrival so he came to the mosque. He sat next to my father and greeted him. But my father didn't answer his greetings, even turning his back to his back. Then he approached from the right side and invited to speak, but my father ignored him. Similarly, when he tried from the left.

I went to Ibn Najih, gave a greeting and said, "Maybe daddy doesn't know you." He said, "Your father knows me, which is why he behaved like that to me." Then he left without saying anything ...

When I got home, my father said, "How stupid you are! If you are far away, you always criticize it hard, but if you are in front of you, you are down to him. Isn't that what hypocrisy says? "

Thawus bin Kaisan's advice was not only specifically for the caliph or officials and governors, but also for those who felt they needed it or for those who wanted his advice.

An example is the story narrated by Atha bin Abi Rabah as follows:

Once upon a time Thawus bin Kaisan saw me in a state he did not like, then said, "O Atha ', why did you express your needs to the person who closed the door in front of you and put the guards at his house?" invite you to come, and those who promise to fulfill their promises. "

Thawus bin Kaisan once advised his son, "O my son, associate with people who have reason because you will be included in their class. Don't be friends with fools, because if you are friends with them, surely you will be included in their class, even though you are not like them. Know, for everything there must be a peak. And the peak of one's degree lies in the perfection of religion and morality. "

Thus, his son Abdullah grew up in his guidance, living and behaving like his father. So naturally if the Abbasid caliph, Abu Ja'far al-Mansur called the son of Thawus, Abdullah and Malik bin Anas to visit. After both came and sat in front of him, the caliph looked at Abdullah bin Thawus as he said, "Tell me something that you got from your father!" He replied, "My father told me that the torment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala was the hardest on the Day of Judgment. those who were given power then acted fraudulently. "

Malik bin Anas said, "By hearing these words, I immediately folded my clothes for fear of being splattered with blood. But it turned out that Abu Ja'far was just silent and then we were both allowed to go home safely. "

Thawus bin Kaisan's age reached one hundred years or fewer. But old age does not change the slightest sharpness of memory, the genius of thought, and the speed of capture.

Abdullah Asyami told me, "I went to Thawus bin Kaisan's house to learn something about him, while I did not know him. When I knock on the door, someone who is old is out. I gave a greeting then asked, "Are you Thawus bin Kaisan?" The old man replied, "No, I am his son."

I said, "If you are his son, then surely the shaykh is old and may be senile. Even though I came from far away to learn from him. "Son of Thawus said," Do not be foolish, people who teach the Book of Allah are not senile. Please come in!"

I went in, greeted and said, "I come to you because you want to learn and listen to your advice. Explain briefly. "Thawus said," I will summarize as much as possible, God willing. Do you want me to tell about the essence of the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel, and the Qur'an? "

I said, "Right." He said, "Afraid of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala with unequaled fear. Ask Him for a request that is greater than your fear of Him. And please others as you please yourself. "

Night 10 Dzulhijah 106 H, died an elderly shaykh, namely Thawus bin Kaisan while carrying out the Hajj, from Arafat to Muzdalifah, on his fortieth trip.

At that time, he put his supplies, then prayed Maghrib and Isha. After that he lay his body on the ground to rest. It was at that time that death picked him up.

He died when away from family, far from his own country, in order to pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. He died in a state of rebellion and berihram to look for Allah's Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, to get out of sins so that he returned to being born with the gift of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

When the sun rises and the body is to be cared for, the body is difficult to remove because of the tightness of the person who wants to deliver his body. Even the Emir of Mecca was forced to send his bodyguards to drive away the people who surrounded his body so that they could be properly taken care of. People who participated in the prayer of many people, only God could count them, including Amir al-mu'minin Hisham bin Abdul Malik ibn Marwan.


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