Shia is not perverted? That Is Only the Speech of the People Affected by Shia

Shia is not perverted? That Is Only the Speech of the People Affected by Shia, the Shia Who Are Taqiyah, or the Stupid People About the Shia Creed

Rahimakumullah's readers, lately many people talk about Syi'ah, there are also many statements from some figures who think that Syi'ah is not misguided and even considers one of the schools recognized in Islam. Is that really the case?
Talking about the Syi'ah group is inseparable from its first founding figure, Abdullah bin Saba ', also known as Ibn Sauda. Abdullah bin Saba 'was originally a Jew from Shan'a, the capital of Yemen. He pretended to convert to Islam at the end of the reign of Caliph Uthman bin ‘Affan radhiyallahu‘ anhu. Abdullah bin Saba 'is also known as Ibnu Sauda' (the son of a black woman) because his mother is black, from Ethiopia.
Al-Imam 'Izzuddin Ibnul Athir in al-Kamil fit Tarikh (2/526) explained that after Ibn Sauda' pretended to convert to Islam, then he went around the countries of the Muslims such as the Hijaz (Mecca and Medina), Basrah, Kufa, and Sham to campaign for heretical beliefs. But he was unable to carry out the plot until finally he was expelled from Sham insulted.

Then Abdullah bin Saba moved to Egypt and settled there. Due to the far-reaching population of Egypt from science at that time, then little by little Abdullah bin Saba 'managed to infiltrate his heretical creed into Egyptian society.

In al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (7/188) it was also told that Abdullah bin Saba 'incited the Egyptian people to rebel against the Caliph Uthman bin Affan. In his speech he stated, "Has it not remained that Jesus bin Maryam would return to the world? So the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is more noble than him, so on what basis do you deny that Muhammad will return to the world ?! And is the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam inherit (leadership) to Ali bin Abi Talib. Muhammad closed the prophets while Ali closed the recipients of the will, of course he was more entitled to this leadership than Uthman, and Uthman had exceeded the limits in leadership that were not his. "

Many of the Egyptian people were provoked, they sent letters to the lay tribes in Kufa and Basra containing criticisms of Uthman's policies and inviting coups so that they finally carried out a rebellion which led to the killing of the Caliph Uthman bin bin Affan radhiyallahu ‘anhu.
The reader of Rahimakumullah, after the killing of Uthman bin 'Affan and was replaced by Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu' anhu, Abdullah bin Saba 'returned to acting by spreading the belief that Ali ibn Abi Talib was the incarnation of God, he also spread the belief that Ali was the Creator, Giver of fortune, and the regulator of the universe. "(See Fathul Bari 12/270)

He also denounced, insulted, and infused Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar bin al-Khaththab radhiyallahu ‘anhuma. (Ar-Risalah fir Raddi ‘ala ar-Rafidhah)

Such was the situation of Abdullah bin Saba ', a Jew who pretended to convert to Islam and aimed at destroying Islam from within, as Baulus was a Jew who pretended to enter Christianity and gave rise to Lahutsiyah beliefs (the existence of divinity in Jesus).

Initially Syi'ah

It should be noted that the Shiite school of Shi'a never existed at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr and Umar radhiyallahu h anhuma, because he had only recently appeared in the leadership of Uthman ibn Affan radhiyallahu hu anhu.

Syaikhul Islam Ahmad ibn Abdul Halim rahimahullah stated, "Syi'ah Rafidhah was made by Ibn Saba 'who is zindiq. He displayed an extreme attitude supporting Ali with propaganda that Ali was entitled to leadership and the existence of a will (specifically) for Ali. "(Al-Fatawa 4/435)
Ibn Hajar al-qAsqalani rahimahullah from Madhab Syafi'i also said, "Abdullah bin Saba 'is included in extreme zindiq. He had followers called As-Sabaiyah who believed in the existence of divinity in Ali bin Abi Talib. "(Lisanul Mizan 3/360)

The slogan "Loving Ahlul Bait" is the Bridge to Spread Syiah's Understanding
After Abdullah bin Saba's time and his followers spread in various countries, the Shiites did not want to be known for all time as a Jewish product. In order for the schools and their beliefs to be accepted by the general public, they launch propaganda that they are the only group that loves ahlul bait and defends them.
Under the guise of loving the superstition, the Shiites freely spread the heretical beliefs that had been inherited from their predecessors; starting from denouncing, insulting, and forgiving the friends, marrying mut'ah, accusations of 'Aisha adultery, taqiyyah, berawhaf in the grave, to the extent of changing the procedures for ablution', adhan, and prayer, as well as various beliefs that are contrary to the teachings of ahlul stanza.

Even though the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam had said," You must not criticize my friends. If one of you has gold as big as Mount Uhud, then it will not match the infa of one of them who is only one mud, and does not equal half of it. "Muttafaq‘ alaih

Various kinds of accusations and insults they deliver to the carrier of Islam, the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and Muslim clerics. All of that they did by taking refuge behind the slogan of defending the ahlul bait (family of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).

Between Syiah and Ahlul Bait
Some people or students who do not know the true nature of Shi'ism will be deceived by their slogan. In fact, if traced it turns out Syi'ah is very different from ahlul bait. Here are some proofs.

As it is known that the Shiites hated and even abused Abu Bakr, Umar, also Uthman. In contrast to Ahlul Bait, in this case Ali bin Abi Talib, his attitude towards Abu Bakr and Umar was as told by Abu Ishaq al-Fazari with his sanad reaching Zaid bin Wahb, that Suwaid bin Ghaf had come to meet Ali in his leadership. Then he said, "I passed a group of people who mentioned Abu Bakr and Umar (with ugliness). They assume that you also hide those feelings for both of them. Among them was Abdullah bin Saba 'and he was the first to reveal it. "Then Ali replied," I took refuge in Allah from hiding something against both of them except with kindness. "(Ar-Risalah fir Raddi' ala ar-Rafidhah )
In fact, the above establishment of Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu was also quoted in their book entitled Biharul Anwar (32/324), "Ibn Tharif from Ibn' Ulwan from Ja'far from his father that Ali 'alaihis salaam once said about people who fought it, "Indeed, we did not fight them ('Aisha and Mu'awiyah and their second troops) because they were forgiving them, not because they were forgiving us. However, because we believe that we are above al-haq and they are also convinced that they are above al-haq. "

Next, including the custom of the Shiites was to build a cemetery like a palace and then surround it. The ahlul bait madzhab is as the will of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam to Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu‘ anhu, "Do not let one statue but you must destroy, nor should the tomb be lifted up but you must even spread."

Other evidence is about kawin mut'ah, the Shiites as they have been known to justify marrying mut'ah. The ahlul bait madzhab is as narrated from Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu," That the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam in the war of Khaibar has forbidden to do mut'ah to women." Muttafaq ‘alaih

The words of the Ahlus Sunnah Ulama about Syi'ah
‘Alqamah bin Qais an-Nakha'i rahimahullah (62 H)," Indeed, Syi'ah had overestimated Ali as an exaggeration to 'Isa bin Maryam. "(Sunnah, 2/548)

'Amir al-Sya'bi rahimahullah (105 H), "I warn you of misleading lusts and from the ugliness of the Rafidh Shi'ites, because among them there was a Jew who pretended to convert to Islam to spread their heresy as Baulus bin Syamil (also called Paulus-pen) a Jewish king who pretended to enter the Nashara religion to spread their heresy. "(See Syarh Ushul I'tiqad Ahlus Sunnah al-Lalika`i, 8/1461)

Al-Imam Malik ibn Anas rahimahullah (179 AH), when asked about a Shiite Rafidhah thought he replied, "Don't speak to them and don't narrate the hadith from them because they are liars." (Minhajus Sunnah, 1 / 61)

‘Abdurrahman bin Mahdi rahimahullah (198 H) said," Both are other religions, namely: "Jahmiyah and Syi'ah Rafidhah." (Khalqu Af’alil ‘Ibad)
Al-Imam Asy-Shafi'i rahimahullah (204 H): "I have never seen from the followers of lust those who lie more in speech, and testify with false witnesses from the Rafidh Shi'ah." (Al-Ibanah al-Kubra , 2/545)

Al-Khallal rahimahullah narrated from Abu Bakr al-Marwazi, "I asked Abu Abdillah (ie Imam Ahmad) about the person who denounced Abu Bakr, Umar, and yah Aisha. He replied, "I do not see it in Islam." (As the Sunnah of al-Khallal's work, 3/493)

Thus is a brief discussion about Syi'ah. Until now, do we still judge that Shi'ah is not misguided or is only different in the matter of jurisprudence?

The readers of Rahimakumullah, even though we have believed in the heresy of Syi'ah, but in responding to it, we must follow the guidance of the Shari'a, that is by avoiding anarchist actions. Return their business to the government.
Wallahu a'lamu can be answered.


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