Prophet Moses Story

As discussed in the story of the prophet Joseph that the prophet Joseph had fought, preaching invited the Egyptian people to worship one God, namely Allah. But after the Prophet Yusuf died, the tahid system was changed to a multi-Ttuhan system or worshiping many gods. This was allegedly due to the interference of the ruling elite groups at that time. Because when Egypt adheres to the monotheistic system, they do not get special treatment, so they have a special purpose to restore the worship system to many gods. Furthermore, the Egyptian community also followed the system of worship of Pharaoh. Then finally Egypt was led by the families of Pharaoh and they claimed that they were gods or vice representatives of God.

The Egyptian society is basically a civilized society, they are preoccupied with the development of civilization. They have strong religious tendencies. And Egyptian society groups believe that Pharaoh was not a god, but because he got strong opposition from Pharaoh and the Pharaoh insisted that his people obey him, so they were forced to recognize him as a god, but in pretense and hide the faith in their hearts. Various kinds of God with idol forms are numerous in Egypt. This is understandable because Pharaoh mastered various kinds of gods and he hinted with and spoke in his name. That is very clear in Egypt. When there is a multi God system in Egypt, even though the people believe in the main god, the Pharaoh, the elite group that has the power to limit it to worshiping Pharaoh and carrying out his orders and justifying the arbitrary actions.

Prophet Musa (as) was the son of Imran bin Yash-har, and was a brother with Prophet Harun as. Prophet Musa (pbuh) was born at the time when Pharaoh ruled Egypt.

The Egyptian people at that time were really guided to the Pharaoh who used the system of many gods, even though previously they had been on the right path through the preaching carried out by Prophet Yusuf. While the children of the prophet Jacob or the children of Israel have also deviated from TAuhid. They followed the path of other Egyptian people. Not many Jacob families maintain the religion of Tawheed, and even then it is done in a hidden way.

Then came the time for the children of Israel where they grew more and more widespread. They do various kinds of work and they fill the markets in Egypt. Day after day, the Egyptian power was ruled by a ruthless king, Pharaoh, everywhere the Egyptians worshiped him. This evil king sees that the Israelites are more and more developed and have important positions.

Then Pharaoh issued a strange order, namely ordering that children born male sex must be killed. The rule began. But economic experts say to Pharaoh; The parents of the Israelis will die according to their death, while the little ones are slaughtered, this will end in the destruction and destruction of the Children of Israel, but Pharaoh will lose the wealth and assets of humans who can work for him or become slaves and women not he could have. So it is best to do a process as follows: boys are slaughtered in the first year, and they should be left to leave the following year. Fir'oh also agreed with that opinion, because he thought that thinking was more profitable from an economic standpoint.

One day the mother of Moses the prophet was pregnant with the prophet Harun, when it was the year when little boys were not killed and he could give birth openly. But when giving birth to contain Prophet Musa, he was in the year when small children had to be killed. The mother also felt very anxious and overwhelmed. He was afraid that maybe later the child he was born would be killed too. He also gave birth secretly. And to hide his child, the mother is breastfeeding clandestinely. Then came the one who was full of blessings, where at that time Allah the Knower gave revelation to him, as follows:

"And we inspired Moses' mother:" Milk her and if you worry about her, drop her into the river (Nile). And do not worry, and do not be sad. And do not worry and do not be sad. For truly we will return it to you, and make it (one of) the apostles "(Qur'an 28: 7)

Hearing the omnipotent revelation of Allah and the loving and holy call, the mother of Prophet Musa (as) immediately obeyed. Then he was ordered to make a small chest for Prophet Musa (as). After breastfeeding, he put it in the chest. Then he went to the edge of the river and threw it on the water. Which mother has the heart to throw away the child she was born with, her heart full of anguish when she placed her child in the nile. But it is a command from an omniscient and all-loving and merciful God.

Some time after being on the water of the Nile, then Allah ordered the flow of the Nile to be calm and gentle to the baby he was carrying, who would later become a Prophet. As the Almighty Allah ordered the fire to be cold and bring salvation to the prophet Ibrahim as, so Allah commanded the Nile to bring the Prophet Moses calmly and full of gentleness so that he directed it to the king's palace Pharaoh. The Nile River carries a chest containing the prophet Moses to the palace of the king of Pharaoh. There the waves handed him over to the shore then he left it to the shore. And ANgin says to the grass that sleeps on the side of the chest: "Don't move a lot because Moses is sleeping. The grass obeyed the command of the wind and Moses fell asleep.

At one time, the sun had illuminated the king's palace Pharaoh. Wife of Pharaoh walked out in the palace garden as usual. King's wife Pharaoh is not the same as Pharaoh, Pharaoh is an infidel, but his wife is a believer. Pharaoh is stubborn, but his wife is a loving woman. Pharaoh is a criminal but his wife is a gentle and loving woman. But the woman felt deep sadness because she had not been able to give birth to a child. He wants to have children. When he stopped at the side of the garden he smelled the fragrant new trees in the garden, which spread a feeling of sadness about feeling alone. At the same time, the women who helped him had filled up the places of water taken from the nile. Then they found a chest on the side of their feet. Then they took the chest to the wife of Pharaoh. The pharaoh's wife ordered it to be opened, after the chest was opened he was very surprised when the contents of the chest revealed its contents. The contents of the chest were a cute, innocent baby boy who would later become a Prophet. IStri Fir'aun feels that he loves the baby like his own child. Allah SWT affirmed in his heart the love for Prophet Musa, so that he wept with tears.

After meeting the baby, he took it home. He turned the baby prophet Moses aside while crying. Then the Prophet Musa awoke and cried. Prophet Moses looked hungry he needed morning milk. At the same time Pharaoh was sitting on the dining table. He waited for his wife but had not yet arrived. Fir'aun began to get angry and looked for him. Suddenly he was surprised by the presence of his wife while carrying a baby. The wife of Pharaoh seemed to love her. He kept on kissing him and his tears ran down. Then the king of Pharaoh asked "where did this little boy come from?" Then they told him that they found him in a chest on the river bank. Pharaoh said: "This is one of the children of the Children of Israel. In accordance with the regulations, the children born in this year were killed "hearing the words from the Pharaoh, he shouted and he held the prophet muas as harder.

As written in the Qur'an

"And said the wife of Pharaoh:" (He) is the heart of the eye for me and for you. Do not kill him, hopefully he will be of benefit to us or we will take him as a child, while they will not realize it "(Qur'an, 28: 9)

Pharaoh seemed to see the behavior of his wife once in a while holding a small child found on the river bank. Fir; aun looked stunned because his wife cried with joy, in the eyes of the pharaoh never found his wife crying because of that happiness. Pharaoh began to realize that his wife loved the child like his own child. Pharaoh said to himself: "Maybe he remembered that he was unable to give birth to a child and wanted this child". Finally, Pharaoh agreed on what his wife said. Pharaoh fulfilled his wishes and agreed to care for and educate the child in the palace.

After hearing the approval of her husband, there was a great cheer on her face. Pharaoh has never seen such joy. As a husband he gave various gifts to his wife, he gave various jewelry and slaves to his wife. But his wife has never smiled. He thought that his wife did not understand the meaning of a smile. And now, the pharaoh saw his wife's face filled with a smile of joy. While that was Prophet Musah, who was still a baby, started crying because he was hungry. The prophet's wife said to her husband: "My little child is hungry", then the pharaoh said: "Bring him a breastfeeding woman", then came a woman who was breastfeeding from the palace. The woman tried to breastfeed Musa (as), but unexpectedly the Prophet Musa (as) instead refused. Then the second woman was brought, then the third, then until the tenth but the Prophet Musa (as) remained crying and did not want to suckle a woman among them. Seeing this, the pharaoh's wife cried because she could not bear to see the suffering of the child she had just discovered. He did not know what to do

But those who feel sad and cry are not only pharaoh's wives, the biological mother of the prophet Moses also feels sad and crying. When his mother threw Moses prophet into the river, he felt that he was throwing his baby into the river. Then the thrown chest disappeared under the river water and the news was hidden. And when it arrived in the morning, the prophet Moses' mother felt the sadness that always haunted her. He almost went to the pharaoh's palace to get news about his son, if Allah SWT put peace in his heart so that he handed over his son's affairs to Allah SWT. Later, he said to the sister of Prophet Musa as.

"Go quietly to the pharaoh's palace and try to get the news about Moses and you should be careful not to let them know," then the prophet Moses' sister left calmly. Finally he listened perfectly to the story of Prophet Musa. He saw Moses the prophet from a distance and listened to the sound of his crying. He saw them in a state of confusion where they did not know how to suckle him. He heard that the prophet Musa (as) refused the offer of a woman who tried to suckle her.

The prophet's sister contends to the pharaoh's guards

"Do you want me to show a family that can suckle it and be able to care for it." Then the Pharaoh's wife answered:

"If you can bring us to a woman who can breastfeed her and be able to nurture her, we will surely give you a great gift. That is something you want we will fulfill. " Then the Prophet Moses' sister returned and presented her mother. The mother feeds her and the prophet Moses suckles with her. Seeing that, the pharaoh's wife was very happy and said:

"Bring him until the time of the completion is completed, then return him to us and we will give you something of a great reward for the breastfeeding and education you give"

That is the way Allah is just and almighty to return the Prophet Moses to his mother so that he will be happy and his heart will be calm and not sad so that he knows that the promise of Allah SWT is true and that His commands and provisions must be carried out despite many obstacles and challenges, Allah SWT said:

"And the heart of Moses' mother became empty. Indeed, he almost stated the secret about Moses, if we did not, we would strengthen his heart, so that he would be among those who believed (to God's promises). And Moses' mother said to the sister of Moses who was a woman. "Follow him". So he saw Musah from afar, while they did not know it, and We prevented Moses from breastfeeding the women who wanted to breastfeed before that; then said the brother of Moses: "How can you show me Ahlub, who will take care of you, and they can be good to him? So We returned Moses to his mother, so that he would be glad and not mourn, and that he might know the promise of God to be true, but most people did not know it "(Qur'an 28: 10-13)

The original prophet Moses' mother perfected breastfeeding and handed it to the pharaoh's house. At that time Musa the Prophet was liked and liked by everyone. Allah SWT said:

"Namely: Put him (Moses) in the chest, then throw him into the river (nil), then surely the river will take him to the bank of the river, so that the enemy and enemies will take it. And I have bestowed upon you the love that comes from Me, and that you will be nurtured under My supervision ”(Qur'an 20: 39)

Nobody saw Moses the prophet unless he would love him. Musa (as) was educated in the biggest palace under the guidance and guarding of Allah the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad's education began at the house of the pharaoh where there were education experts and instructors. At that time Egypt was a big country in the World and Pharaoh was the most powerful king. Therefore Pharaoh was easily able to gather education experts and scholars. Such is the wisdom of Allah SWT that the Prophet Musa (as) be composed under a great education and handled by trained educator experts. Ironically, this happens in the house of the enemy who will one day be destroyed in his hand, as a form of execution of the commands of Allah Almighty.

Musa grew up in the house of the pharaoh. He studied the science of reckoning, building science, chemistry and language. He slept under religious guidance. So that the prophet Moses did not hear the empty talk said by educators about the divinity of the pharaoh. It's rare to hear that a pharaoh is a god. He also dismissed this statement and presumption. He lives with the pharaoh in one house. The Prophet Moses knew more than anyone else that the pharaoh was just an ordinary tyrant. Moses also knew that he was not the son of a pharaoh. He is the son of a child from Israel. He witnessed how the guards of the pharaoh and his followers oppressed the people of Israel. Finally, the prophet Moses grew up and achieved his strength.

When the guards from him, the prophet passed away into the city. Musa walked around the city. Then the prophet Musa (as) found a man from a pharaoh who was fighting with an Israeli child. Then a weak person from the two men asked him for help. Prophet Musa also intervened in this matter. The Prophet as fast as he pushed with his hand a lalaki who did the aniyaa. It turned out that the Prophet Musa killed him. At that time, Moses was known as a strong person. The Prophet Moses intended to break up the two men who were fighting, but accidentally killed him, the man fell down and died. Prophet Musa then to himself. This is a shetan act. As bad as he is, the enemy is misleading and real. Then the prophet Moses prayed to God and said:

"O my Lord, verily I have persecuted myself, forgive me" The merciful Allah forgives him. Allah says

"And after Moses was of sufficient age and perfect reason. We give him prophetic wisdom and knowledge. And thus we give back to those who do good. And Moses entered the city (Memphis) when the inhabitants were weak, so he found in the city two men fighting; one from his group (Banu Israil) and another from his enemy (pharaohs). So the person from his group asked for help from him, to defeat the man from his enemy, then Moses punched him, and the enemy died. Moses said: "This is an act of Satan. Surely Satan is an enemy who is misleading again (his hostility). Moses prayed: "Yes Thank you, in fact I have persecuted myself because of that forgive me". So Allah forgives him, surely he is the Forgiving, the Most Singing. Moses said: "My Lord, for the sake of the blessings that you bestow upon me, I will never be a helper for sinners"

Prophet Musa (as) is another mirror of Prophet Ibrahim (as). Both of them from among ulul azmi, but the prophet ibrahim as is a mirror of patience and weakness while the prophet Musa as is a mirror of strength and might.

Musa was afraid and threatened in the middle of the city. He promised later that he would no longer be a friend of evil people. He will no longer be engulfed in quarrels and hostilities between fellow criminals. In the midst of his journey, the prophet Musa (as) was shocked when seeing a man who had been helped by him yesterday called him again and asked for help from the prophet Moses. And again that person was involved in hostilities and quarrels with the Egyptians. The great prophet knew that the Israelites were persecuting. Prophet Musa (pbuh) knew that he was a thug in the area. Finally, the Prophet Musa (as) shouted in front of the Israeli man's pan while saying: "It turns out you are an evil person"

Prophet Musa said that while pushing the two men and he broke up the fight. The Israeli thought that the prophet Moses would harm him so he was overcome with fear. While asking for affection to Prophet Musa (as), he said: "O Moses, are you going to kill me like you killed someone yesterday. Do you want to be a ruler on this earth and do not want to be the one to improve the earth. ”When he heard Israel say that, the prophet Musa (as) stopped and his anger subsided. Musa (as) recalled what he did yesterday and how he asked forgiveness and repentance and promised not to be a servant of those who did evil. Prophet Musa then returned and asked forgiveness of his Lord.

The Egyptians who fought with the Israelites learned that the prophet Musa (as) was the murderer of the Egyptians whose bodies were found by them yesterday. Egyptian security officers failed to react to the murder case. Finally, the secret of the great prophet was revealed, then a man from Egypt who believed came from all over the city. He whispered to the prophet Moses that there was a plan to kill him. The man advised the prophet Moses to leave Egypt as soon as possible, Allah said

"Therefore, Moses in the city was afraid to wait with worry (due to his actions), then suddenly the person who asked for help yesterday shouted for help to him. Moses said to him: "Surely you really are a real healthy person (heresy), so when Moses held on to the people who were enemies of both, the enemy said:

"O Moses, do you intend to kill me, as you yesterday killed a human? You do not mean to be someone who acts arbitrarily in this country, and you will not be one of those who make peace. " And there came a man from the edge of the city in a hurry and said:

"O Moses, indeed the great man is negotiating about you. Indeed, I am among those who give advice to you ”(Qs: 28: 18-20)

The rulers or dignitaries responsible for security prepared an alliance to get rid of Musa the prophet. Finally the golden opportunity arrived. His aides told him that the prophet Moses was the one who killed the Egyptian people they found yesterday's body. Finish this business. Then came the order and the opportunity to kill the prophet Musa as. People who hated the prophet Moses began to get angina of joy where they would see the prophet Musa as killed, but the omniscient God sent good Egyptians to remind the prophet Moses to run from the pursuit of despots. Allah says as stated in the Qur'an

"So remove Moses from the city with fear of waiting with worry, he prayed:" O my Lord, save me from those who do wrong. "(Qur'an, 28: 21)

Musa left the city and became an exile. Prophet Musa (as) immediately went out in a state of fear and while alerting Prophet Musa (as) always prayed in his heart: "O my Lord, save me from the despots". The people were indeed despots. They wanted to impose a punishment for the deliberate murderer of the prophet Musa (as), even though Musa (peace be upon him) did not do anything other than try to separate the fighting person but he did not always kill him. Prophet Musa (as) immediately left Egypt. He no longer went to the pharaoh's palace and did not change his clothes, and did not bring food for the trip. He did not bring an animal mount that could deliver it. He also did not go with a caravan. He left immediately when he got news from a believer who reminded him of the threat of the pharaoh.

Musa walked through a road that was not usually used by people. The Prophet was able to enter the desert and he went to a place where God guided him. This was the first time he had come out and waded through the desert alone. Then the prophet Moses arrived at a place called Madyan. The Prophet Moses rested and sat near the well, where people took water to drink their animals and their animals. Musa (as) did not bring food other than tree leaves. Prophet Musa (as) drank from the wells he found in the middle of the road. Throughout the journey the Prophet Moses felt fear, do not let the pharaoh send people to arrest him. When the prophet Musa (as) arrived in the city, Moses the prophet lay on the side of the tree and rested. Musa was hungry and tired. The sandals that were worn by her neck were seen to be damaged. He did not have enough funds to buy new sandals, and he also did not have enough money to buy drinks or food.

Musa (as) paid attention to a collection of shepherds who were taking water for their goats. Moses remembered that he was hungry and thirsty. He said to himself: "I can fill my stomach with water as long as I do not have enough money to buy food: the Prophet Moses then walked to the waterway. Before arriving, he found two women who were separating the goats so they would not mix with other people's goats. Through inspiration, the prophet Musa (as) felt that the two women needed help. Musa (as) forgot about his thirst, then he went to them and asked, could he help them? Then the oldest girl said:

"We waited until the completion of the shepherds to take water for their shepherd animals" then the prophet Moses asked:

"Why don't you take water now?" Then the little girl said:

"We are unable to jostle with men". Musa was astonished to learn that the two girls were herding goats. The one who shepherds should be men. It is a hard and tiring task, women should not be shepherding.

"Why do you shepherd goats" The little girl said again:

"Our parents are old where their health cannot help them get out of their homes and goat goats every day". Hearing this, Musa (as) then said:

"Then, I will help you take the water"

Prophet Musa walked to the place of water. The prophet Moses knew that the shepherds laid on the lips of a large rock that could not be moved except by ten people. The Prophet Musa embraced and lifted him from the lip of the well. The muscles of Musa as prominent stood out when moving the stone. Moses was a strong man. Finally, the prophet Musa succeeded in taking water for the teenage daughter, and then he returned the stone to its place. Musa (as) returned to sit in the shade of a tree. At that time Musa forgot to drink. The prophet Moses' stomach stuck to his back because of the hunger. Prophet Moses remembers the Almighty Allah and calls Him to heart:

"So Moses gave the cattle to (help) both, then he returned to the place where he was then prayed:" My Lord, in fact I really need a kindness that you send to me "(Qur'an 28: 24)

The two girls returned to her father's house. The father asks:

"Today you are back sooner than normal?"

The oldest girl said:

"Really today we are very lucky. O father, we met a noble man who took water for our animals before other people took it "

The father said


The youngest girl said

"I think O my father he came from far away and he was hungry. I saw him in a state of exhaustion even though he was a strong man ”

Then the father said to his daughter:

"Go unto him and say, verily my father calls you to reward you for your water for me." Then the girl went to meet the Prophet Musa in his heart pounding. The woman stood before the Prophet Musa and delivered a letter from her father. Musa (as) rose from his seat and his eyes turned downward. Prophet Musa (as) did not intend to take water for them with the aim of expecting their wages. He only helps them solely because of Allah SWT. He felt in himself that it was Allah SWT who moved him to help them.

The girl walked in front of the Prophet Musa and then blew the wind and touched his clothes so that the prophet Musa as he looked down at his eyes because he felt ashamed. Prophet Musa (as) said to the girl:

"I will walk in front of you and show me the way". They arrived at the residence of the father. Some commentators say that under this person I am Prophet Syu'aib as. He gained a long life after the death of his people. The old man served the prophet Musa as lunch and asked him where he had come from and then where he was going,

The Prophet Muhammad revealed his story. The old man said to him, don't worry and don't be afraid. You will be saved from those who fail. This country is not subject to Egypt and they will not arrive here. Hearing that, Musa the Prophet became calm and rose to leave. One of the girls said to her father in a whisper:

"O my father, give him a reward. Surely you will reward a strong and honest person. "

The father asks him:

"How do you know he is a strong man"

His daughter answered

"I see for myself he raised a stone that ten men cannot lift"

The father asked again:

"How do you know that he is an honest person"

The woman answered:

"He refused to walk behind me and he walked in front of me so he didn't see me as I walked. And during the trip when I talked with him, he could lower his eyes to the ground as a shame and good manners from him.

Then the old man looked at Prophet Musa and said to him:

"O Moses, I want to marry you to one of my daughters. With conditions, you should work to herd the goat with me for eight years. If you perfect ten years then that is your mercy. I don't want to trouble you, really God willing, you will find me including the righteous people "

Prophet Musa then said:

"This is an agreement between me and you and Allah SWT as a witness to our agreement, whether I will carry out work for eight years or ten years. After that, I'm free to go anywhere "

Allah SWT said

"Then came to Moses, one of the two women walked sheepishly, he said:

"Surely my father calls you so that he will reward (good) you for giving (our cattle)". So when Moses came to his father (Syu'aib) and told him the story (about him), Syu'aib said:

"Do not be afraid. You have survived the wrongdoers. "One of the two women said:

"O my father, take him as the one who works (for us), because the real good person you take to work (for us) is someone who is strong and trustworthy. He said (Syu'aib)

"In fact, I intend to marry you to one of my two children, on the basis that you work with me eight years and if you have enough ten years then it is (a good) from you, then I have no right to burden you. And you, God willing, will find me including good people. " He (Moses) said:

"That's (agreement) between me and you. Whichever of the two specified times I am perfecting, then there is no additional claim on me (again). And God is the witness of what I say "(Qur'an 28: 25-28)

Then married the prophet Musa as with one of the daughters of the prophet SYu'aib as and the predetermined agreement was carried out and carried out by Prophet Musa as

Thus the prophet Moses served the Prophet Syu'aib as for a full ten years. The work of Prophet Musa was limited to going out of the house in the morning to herd the goats. Ten years of time spent by Prophet Musa in Madyan was a provision designed by Allah SWT.

Prophet Musa as based on Islam and the religion of monotheism. Prophet Musa (as) spent ten years in distant conditions from his people and family. This ten year period is the most important period in his life. He was a great preparation period. Every night Prophet Musa meditated on the stars. Prophet Musa (as) followed the rising of the sun and the sinking. At noon the prophet Moses thought of plants; how he defended the land and blossomed. Moses paid attention to the day; how he brought earth to life after the earth died, then the earth became a beautiful and fertile place. Prophet Musa (pbuh) paid attention to the vast nature and he was stunned and amazed by the creation of Allah SWT.

Actually these thoughts and reflections are far away hidden within him and settled in his soul. Isn't Moses the prophet educated in the palace of Pharaoh. This means that he became an Egyptian who had broad insight, Egyptians showed their physical strength, Egyptians with all their food and drinks. So, everything that was in the Prophet Moses was Egyptian. Prophet Musa (as) was prepared to receive the way from Allah in a new form. That is the Wayu Illahi which comes directly without the intermediary of an angel where Allah SWT speaks to him directly.

Therefore, before the arrival of the watyu there is a need for mental and moral preparation, while the physical preparation has been completed in Egypt. Prophet Musa (as) grew up in the largest city owned by the ruler on earth and in the richest government on earth. Prophet Musa (as) became a strong young man, where not only did he separate someone from a fight, but instead killed him even though accidentally. After strong physical preparation, now Musa as prophet must go through balanced mental preparation. That is the preparation carried out through perfect exile where he lived in the midst of the teacher and the shepherding that he had never set foot there. He lives in the midst of strangers he has never seen before.

Often the prophet Musa (as) got silence and silence behind the exile. Allah SWT prepared this matter to His prophet so that after that he was able to hold a great message from Allah SWT. Come one day to the great prophet. Finish the specified period. Then the Prophet Musa (as) felt longing to return to Egypt. With the passage of time, the sentence that must be carried out by him automatically falls.

Musa (as) knew that, but he also knew that the law in Egypt actually lay in the power of the ruler, if the ruler wanted, the Prophet Musa (as) could receive the punishment, and if he did not wish he would forgive it, even though the person was entitled to punishment. Prophet Musa (as) was aware of that, the great prophet (as) was not entirely sure he would survive when he set foot in Egypt as he believed that he was safe in his place now. Even so, his longing to travel back to his place encouraged Musa as soon as he headed to Egypt. Prophet Moses made the right decision.

 Prophet Musa (as) said to his wife:

"Tomorrow we will begin our journey to Egypt:

"In the journey there are a thousand kinds of dangers but calm still adorns Moses." The wife of the prophet Musa as obedient to the prophet Musa as.

Musa came out with his family and traveled. The moon hid behind thick clouds and darkness enveloped here and there. Meanwhile, lightning strikes very hard and the sky drops rain. The weather seemed unfriendly. In the midst of his journey, the prophet Musa was lost. Prophet Musa (as) got two pieces of stone then he hit both of them and swiped them together to get the fire so he could walk. But unfortunately, he was unable to do that. A strong wind extinguished the small fire.

Prophet Musa (as) stood in a state of confusion and his body was shivering in the midst of his family. Then the Prophet Musa (as) raised his head and watched something from afar. Something he witnessed was the fire of a great sabbath that was burning from afar. So Bai Musa's heart was filled with joy. He said to the exit:

"I saw fire there"

Then he ordered them to stay in his place so he went to the fire. Maybe there he got something news or he would find someone who could give him a clue so he didn't get lost, or he could bring all the flames that were burning so that their bodies warmed up.

His family saw the fire signaled by the prophet Musa as but actually they did not see anything. They keep waiting for him and sit while waiting for the arrival of the prophet Moses. Musa (as) moved to the place of fire. Prophet Musa (as) immediately walked and warmed his body, while his right hand held his wand and his body was drenched with rain. Moses continued to walk until he reached a valley called Thua. He witnessed something unique in this damp. In the valley there is no cold and no wind blowing. There is only silence. Prophet Musa approached the fire. Not long ago he approached him so that he swelled the voice of the call:

"Then when he arrived at (the place) of the fire, he called out to him:‘ that those who were near the fire were blessed and those who were around him. And the Most Holy God, the Lord of hosts (Qur'an 27: 8)

TIba arrived the Prophet Musa stopped and his body shivered. The voice seemed heard and came from all places and came from a certain place. The Prophet saw the fire and he felt shivering again. Musa saw the fire and he felt shivering again. He found a green tree from thorns and every time the tree caught fire and a fire blazed from it then the tree justeri increasingly green. The tree should have turned black when it burned, but strangely the fire actually increased its green color. Prophet Musa remained shivering even though he felt warmth and seemed to start sweating.

The LEmbah where Prophet Musa stood is the valley of Thua. Prophet Musa (as) put his hands on his eyes because of the enormity of the light. He did so in an effort to protect his eyes. Then the prophet Moses asked in himself "

"Is this light or fire?" Suddenly he fell to the ground as a form of fear, then Allah SWT called:

"So when he came to that place he was called: O Moses" (Qur'an 20: II)

The Prophet Musa (as) raised his head and said:


God said:

Surely this is your Lord, so leave your two mountains, in fact you are in a sacred valley, thu '(Qur'an 20: 12)

Musa as ruku and took off his sandals, then Allah SWT again said:

"And I have chosen you, so listen to what will be revealed (to you). Indeed, I am Allah, there is no God (the right) besides me, so worship me and establish prayer to remember me. Surely the Day of Judgment will come. I keep it a secret so that every tip from that is returned to what is sought. So do not turn away from him who does not believe in him and by those who follow his passions, which cause you to perish. "Qs. 20: 13-16)

Prophet Musa (as) increasingly trembled when he received divine revelations and while having dialogue with Allah SWT. The all-loving and loving God said:

"Is that what is in your hands, O Moses?" (Qur'an 20: 17)

Increased astonishment of the prophet Moses. Allah SWT is a substance that invites him to speak and certainly knows more about the prophet Musa (as) about what he holds, then why does Allah SWT ask if indeed He knows better than him. There is no doubt that there is a high wisdom there. The Prophet answered the question with a shivering voice:

"Moses said:" This is my staff, I rest on it, and I beat (leaves) with it for my kambingku, and my abginess has more sorrow in it "(qs. 20: 18)

Allah said: throw him, O Moses! (Qur'an: 20: 19)

The Prophet Musa (as) threw his staff from his hand and the feeling of astonishment became increasingly faint. Suddenly the prophet Musa was surprised when he saw the stick becoming a large snake. The snake moves quickly. Musa (as) was no longer able to withstand his fear. Prophet Musa (as) felt his body trembling with fear. Musa turned his body in fear and he began to run. Not long ago he ran away, not until two steps, Allah SWT called him:

"And throw your rod", then when (the stick becomes outside) and Moses sees him move like a nimble snake. Run away, turn back without looking. "O Moses, do not be afraid, in fact people are apostles, not afraid before me" (Qur'an 27: 10)

"O Moses, come to Me and do not be afraid. Surely you are among those who are safe ”(qs. 28: 31)

Musa (as) returned his body and stood up. The stick seemed to move and the snake kept moving. Allah SWT said to Moses:

"Hold him and do not be afraid, we will restore him to his original condition" (qs. 20:21)

Musa, as he extended his hand to the snake, was shivering. Musa (as) did not have time to touch it, so the snake became a stick. Thus the command of Allah SWT happened quickly. Then Allah SWT ordered him:

"Put your hand on the neck of your shirt, surely it will come out white without blemish not because of disease, and put your hands (to your chest) if you are scared, then that is two miracles from your Lord (which you will face Fir; aun and magnifying magnification). Lo! They are wicked ones. (Qs: 28: 32)

Musa put his hand on his desk and then he took it out and suddenly the hand shone like a moon. Again the admiration of Prophet Musa increased. Then he put his hand on his chest as instructed by Allah SWT to him so that his fear was truly gone.

Prophet Musa (as) felt calm and silent. Then Allah SWT ordered him after he saw the two miracles, namely the miracle of the hand and the miracle of the stick to go to Pharaoh and preach to him with full tenderness and affection, and Allah commanded him to remove the Children of Israel from Egypt. Prophet Musa (as) revealed his fear of Pharaoh. Prophet Musa (as) said that he had killed someone between them and he was worried they would kill and repay him. Prophet Musa (as) asked Allah SWT and asked Him to send his brother Prophet Harun as with him. Allah SWT calmed Musa as saying that he would always be with them both. He heard and watched their movements and actions. Even though Pharaoh was famous for his crime and strength, this time Pharaoh would not be able to disrupt or hurt them. Allah SWT told Musa, that He would win. Prophet Musa (as) prayed and pleaded with Allah SWT to make his heart clear and facilitate his affairs and to give him strength in preaching in his way.

Allah SWT has chosen Musa as. It was one of the glories of glory where no one in that age was able to reach it except the prophet Moses. Prophet Musa (as) returned to meet his family after Allah SWT chose him as an apostle and messenger to preach to Pharaoh. Finally. Moses as well as his family walked to Egypt. Only Allah SWT knows the thoughts that crossed the Prophet Musa as he swung his steps towards Egypt.

Prophet Musa knew that Pharaoh was an evil person. Pharaoh will try to stop the steps of his da'wah and the pharaoh will oppose him but Allah SWT commands him to go to the pharaoh and preach to him with tenderness and affection. Allah SWT revealed to Prophet Musa that Pharaoh would not believe but Prophet Musa (as) did not care about that. He was ordered to release the children of Israel who were being tortured by Pharaoh.

Allah SWT said to Moses and Aaron:

"Then come both of you to him (pharaoh) and say:" verily we both are messengers of your Lord, then deliver the Children of Israel with us and do not torture them "(Qur'an 20: 47)

This is a task that is determined, namely the task that will clash with thousands of challenges. Pharaoh tortured the Israelis and made them slaves and forced them to work beyond their means. Pharaoh also tarnished the honor of their women and slaughtered their sons. Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) knew that the Egyptian regime was trying to promote the culture of the Israelites and exploit them beyond their capacity for the authority of the ruler. But the prophet Musa (as) continued to treat and confront Pharaoh with full tenderness and affection as instructed by Allah SWT to him:

"Go both of you to Pharaoh, in fact he has exceeded the limit, then speak to him both with meek words, may he remember or fear" (qs. 20: 43-44)

Prophet Musa told the pharaoh about who Allah really was, about His Grace, about His heaven, and about the obligation to impress Him and worship Him. He tried to evoke the human aspects of the pharaoh through these talks. FIraun listened to what Musa said as boredom. Pharaoh imagined that someone he hoped for was a crazy person who was determined to oppose and shake his position.

Then the pharaoh raised his hand and spoke

"What do you want, O Moses?

Musa replied:

"I want you to free the children of Israel"

Pharaoh asks:

"Why should I free them with you while they are my slaves?"

Moses answered:

"They are servants of Allah SWT, Lord of the universe"

In a mocking tone Fir; Aun asked:

"Can you say that your name is Moses?"

Musa replied:


Pharaoh said:

"Are you not the one we found in the Nile sungail when you were a child who did not have the power and strength? Are you not Moses whom I taught in this palace, then you eat your food and drink our water, and you enjoy the goodness of us? Aren't you the one who killed someone then after that you ran away? Don't you remember all that? Don't they say that murder is a kufr? If so, you are an infidel and you are a murderer. So you are Moses who runs away from the laws of Egypt. You are someone who runs away and avoids justice. Then now you come to me and try to speak with me. What do you say about Moses? I really forgot "

"Who is the Lord of hosts?" (Qur'an 26: 23)

Musa replied:

"God is the creator again and the earth and everything between them (that is your Lord), if all of you (people) trust Him" ​​(Qur'an 26: 24)

Pharaoh said to those around him:

"Are you not listening?" (Qur'an, 26:25)

Moses said and ignored Pharaoh's ridicule:

"Your Lord and God, your ancient ancestors" Qs. 26: 26)

Pharaoh said that the prophet Musa (as) was a sorcerer and if that magic would be proud of by Musa (as), then he also had magicians.

Then the pharaoh gathered his sorcerers, to compete with the Prophet Musa (as) in an area that had been determined by time and place.

Some of them threw ropes, sticks, so the sticks and ropes were turned into spreading snakes. Then the prophet Musa (as) was afraid, because he had been surrounded by poisonous snakes.

Then God commanded Moses with His words:

"Throw the stick in your right hand, later it will turn into a big snake that will swallow all their actions, in fact their work is a trick of the sorcerer alone and once in a while it will not win the magic, though after all"

Then all the sorcerers submitted to prostrate to Musa (as). Because he saw his sorcerer having believed in the prophet Musa as well as his wife (siti asiah), the pharaoh grew angry, so that his wife was tortured to death, as well as the believers were severely tortured.

Finally the prophet Musa (as) together with the believers went out from Egypt, after they were helpless again in the land of Egypt, they chased them to the red sea, and the sea turned into a big road and split into two to be passed by Musa as prophet with followers - followers.

When the pharaoh with his army chased from behind and when they reached the middle of the sea, then the water of the sea was joined together again, then they all sank, as the word of God:

"So the pharaoh with his army chased them, then they were closed by the sea that drowned them" (Qur'an 20: 78)

After the prophet Musa (as), and his people were free from the pursuit of the pharaoh, they initially wandered. When they wandered, they arrived at a place where they saw idol worshipers. And the prophets of Moses wanted to do the same thing as they did. But the Prophet Musa (as) reminded him, they were awake and then repented because of their desire to do shirk.

Then they continue the journey to find a suitable place to live. They passed the valley, the hills and the desert. And when they are in the middle of a barren desert, they say: "WAhai, the prophet of Allah, ask Allah to bring down food and drink for us", then the prophet Musa as prayed and Allah SWT answered the prayer of Musa as. Langi also bestowed food for them. How gracious is Allah to His servants, even though they had previously intended to associate Him.

Then the Prophet Moses taught the contents of the Torah to his people. Prophet Musa (as) died in the fields of Tih at the age of 120 years.


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