Prophet Maulud in Historical Review

The 12th of the early Rabi'ul has become one of the special days for some Muslims. Today is considered as the birth day of the end-time Prophet, the bearer of the minutes of perfection, the great Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa ‘alaa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Celebration with various events ranging from recitation and congregation dhikr to games and competitions was held to enliven the commemoration of this special day. There are even among the groups of Tariqot who commemorate the Mawlid with dzikir and poems which contain excessive praise to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam. They believe that the spirit of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam the noble will come at the peak of the maulid event. Therefore, at the peak of the event the tariqot leader gave command to the dzikir participants to stand in order to welcome the arrival of the Prophet's sallalla ‘alahi wa sallam who was only known by the leader of the Tariqot.

Really this kind of aqeedah is exactly the same as the aqeedah of the Hindu people who believe in the rise of ancestral spirits. But unfortunately some Muslims consider this as a form of worship. Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'un, which other heresy is worse than this error ...

When was the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam born?

In essence the historians disagreed in determining the history of the birth of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam, especially those related to the month, date, day, and place where the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alahi wa sallam was born.

First: Month of birth

The most famous opinion, he was born in the month of Rabi'ul Awal. And this is the opinion of the majority of scholars. Even said by Ibnul Jauzi as an agreement of scholars.

But there are some who argue that he was born on the month of Safar, Rabi'ul Akhir, and some even think that he was born on the 10th of Muharram (the day of Ashura). Then some others argue that he was born in Ramadan. Because the month of Ramadan is the month in which he received the first revelation and was appointed as a prophet. This opinion aims to fulfill the count of 40 years of his age sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam when he was appointed as a prophet.

Second: Date of birth

Mentioned in a hadith narrated by Mulim that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam was once asked about fasting Monday. Then he replied: "Monday is the day I was born and the time I received a revelation." But historians disagree about what date the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam was born. Among the opinions expressed were: Monday Rabi'ul Awal (without specified date), 2nd Rabi'ul Awal, 8th, 10th, 12th, 17th Rabiul Awal, and 8 days before the expiration of Rabi'ul Awal.

Stronger opinions

Based on the research of historians Muhammad Sulaiman Al Mansurfury and astronomer Mahmud Basya it was concluded that Monday morning which coincided with the beginning of the year of the events of the attack of elephant forces and 40 years after Kisra Anusyirwan's power or coinciding with 20 or 22 April 571, Monday coincided with the 9th Rabi'ul Awal. (Ar Rahiqum Makhtum).

The date of his death

The scholars of history state that he died on Monday the 12th of Rabi'ul Beginning in 11H at the age of 63 years and four days.

One important note that we need to consider from the two historical facts above. Between determining the date of birth of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam and the date of his death sallallaahu‘ alahi wa sallam. This fact shows that the scholars did not pay much attention to the date of birth of the Prophet sallallaahu ahi alahi wa sallam. Because the determination of when he was born is not at all related to the law of Shari'ah. He was born indirectly to become a prophet, and there has been no revelation that came down when he was born. He was just sent as a prophet at the age of 40 years and over 6 months. This is different from the day of the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam, as if the scholars agreed that the day of his death was the 12th of Rabiul Beginning in 11 H. This was because his death was related to the law of shari'at. His death was the end of the revelation of Allah which came down. So that there is no new law that appears after his death sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam.

So if there is a question, the 12th Rabi'ul Awal was closer as the date of birth of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam or the date of his death Sallallaahu‘ alahi wa sallam ?? People who can understand history will say that the 12th Rabi'ul Awal was closer on the day of the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam. Because in the matter of the date of birth of the scholars of historians at loggerheads while in the matter of his death there was no dispute found.

After we understand this, we can draw the conclusion that the 12th Rabi'ul Awal which was commemorated as the birthday of the Prophet sallalla ahu alahi wa sallam was closer to the commemoration of the death of the noble Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam. Therefore, the attitude of most of the Muslims who had been commemorating the birthday of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam was actually similar to the actions of Christians in commemorating December 25. They assume that this is the date of Jesus' birth even though history proves that Jesus was not possible to be born in December. For what reason do we want to celebrate 12 Rabi'ul Awal as a birthday celebration ??

The history of the emergence of Mawlid warnings

Historians say that the group that first held the maulid was the Bathiniyah group, which they named themselves as the Fatimids and claimed to be descendants of the Bait Expert (descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam). It was stated that the inner group had 6 maulid warnings, namely the birthday of the Prophet sallallaahu ahi alahi wa sallam, maulid Ali bin Abi Talib radhiallahu ‘anhu, maulid Fatimah, maulid Hasan, maulid Husayn and maulid of their ruler. This Bathiniyah Daula only came to power at the beginning of the 4th century H. Therefore, the scholars agreed that the birthday of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wa sallam had only appeared in later times, after the end of the three-century mass which was most important in this ummah (al quruun al mufadholah ) This means that the memorial of this birthday has never existed at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ahi alahi wa sallam and his companions, tabi'in and the Tabi 'tabi'in. Al Hafid As Sakhawi said: "The commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alahi wa sallam has never been quoted from any previous generation of scholars who belong to the three main generations in Islam. But this warning happened after that time. "

In essence, the main purpose of this daulah commemorated the birthday of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam was in order to spread their aqeedah and heresy. They took the sympathy of the Muslims under the guise of the expert love of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam. (Dhahiratul Ihtifal bil Maulid An Nabawi by Abdul Karim Al Hamdan)

Who are the Fatimids

The Fatimids are a group of Shiites, followers of Ubaid bin Maimun Al Qoddah. They called themselves the Fatimids because they thought their leader was a descendant of the Fatimah daughter of the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alahi wa sallam. Although the original is a confession of lies. Therefore, a better name for them is Bani Ubaidiyah, not the Fatimids. This group has the notion of syi'ah rafidhah which opposes Ahlu Sunnah, from the time it was established until the time of its collapse. Ruling on the northern African continent for approximately two centuries. Starting from their success in breaking down the daughters of Bani Rustum in 297 AH and ending with their collapse in the hands of daulah Salahudin Al Ayyubi in 564 H. (Ad Daulah Al Fathimiyah by Ali Muhammad As Shalabi).

This Fatimid Daula has close relations with the Syi'ah Al Qaramithah Bathiniyah group. It should be noted that this Al Qaramithah Bathiniyah group has beliefs that are very deviant from Islamic teachings. Among them they want to eliminate the Shari'a Shari'a in Islam. Therefore, in the Hajj season of 317 H this group carried out chaos on the illegitimate land by massacring the pilgrims, tearing up the cloth covering the door of the Ka'bah, and seizing the hajj and keeping it in its area for 22 years. (Al Bidayah wan Nihayah by Ibn Kathir).

Who is Abu Ubaid Al Qoddah

His real name is Ubaidillah bin Maimun, the chewing of Abu Muhammad. It is known as Al Qoddah, which means striking, because this person likes to wear kohl so his eyes look striking. Originally he was a Jew who hated Islam and wanted to destroy the Muslims from within. He instilled inner aqeedah. Where each verse of the Qur'an has an inner meaning that is only known by special people among their groups. So he ruined the teachings of Islam on the grounds that there was an inner revelation that he received and was unknown to by others. (Al Ghazwul Fikr & Ad Daulah Al Fathimiyah by Ali Muhammad As Shalabi).

He was the founder and the first person to lead the Fatimids. His followers presented him with Al Mahdi Al Muntadhor (the Mahdi who was waiting for his arrival). Originally from Iraq and born in the Kufa region in 206 H. He claimed to be a descendant of one of the temple experts Ismail bin Ja'far As Sadiq through spiritual marriage (non-physical marriage). But the Muslims in the Maghrib area denied his confession. The truth is that he is a descendant of Said bin Ahmad Al Qoddah. And sometimes this person claimed to be the servant of Muhammad bin Ja'far As Shodiq. All this he did in order to attract human attention and seek the sympathy of the people. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of the fools in the African region justify themselves and make them leaders. (Al Bidayah wan Nihayah by Ibn Kathir & Ad Daulah Al Fathimiyah by Ali Muhammad As Shalabi).

The attitude of the scholars towards the Banu Ubaidiyah (Fatimid)

The ahlus sunnah scholars have affirmed the kafir's bani status. Because of their deviant aqeedah. The scholars insist that they should not be behind their backs, they should not obey their bodies, there must be no inherited relations between them, they should not marry them, and other attitudes as they should be given to unbelievers. Among the Ahlus Sunnah scholars who were contemporaries of their age and expressly stated their disbelief was As Syaikh Abu Ishaq As Siba'i. In fact, he invited to fight them. Syaikh Al Faqih Abu Bakr bin Abdur Rahman Al Khoulani recounts:

"Syaikh Abu Ishaq along with other scholars had fought the children of Aduwillah (Banu Ubaidiyah) together with Abu Yazid. He gave a lecture in the presence of Abu Yazid's army: lat They claimed to be Qiblah experts even though they were not Qibla experts, so we were obliged to be with these troops who were Qiblah experts to fight people who were not Qiblah experts (ie Banu Ubaidiyah) ... '"

Among the scholars who participated in the war against the Ubaidis were Abul Arab bin Tamim, Abu Abdil Malik Marwan bin Nashruwan, Abu Ishaq As Siba'i, Abul Fadl, and Abu Sulaiman Rabi 'Al Qotthan. (Ad Daulah Al Fathimiyah by Ali Muhammad As Shalabi).

After we understand the warning nature of maulid which is actually used as a means to spread the infidelity of the gods of Ubaidiyah ... will we as Muslims who hate them preserve syi'ar people who are hostile to the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam ?? We need to know that celebrating maulid is not a manifestation of our love for the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam. Are not the friends, scholars of Tabi'in, and Tabi ’Tabi’in the people who love the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alahi wa sallam. But it is not recorded in history that they celebrated the birthday. Will we say they did not love the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam.

A poet said:

If your love is honest, of course you will obey it ...
because the person who loves will obey the person he loves ...

True love is not by celebrating someone's birthday ... but true love is proven by obedience to loved ones. And part of obedience to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alahi wa sallam was by not doing an act that he did not teach.

Wallahu Waliyyut Taufiq


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