72 Angels in Heaven

One method of religion in encouraging followers or members to adhere to the norms of rules includes, among others, reward and punishment. Islam as the only religion that comes from God also applies the same thing to its followers. Therefore, in the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, there will be many awards in the form of Heaven for those who believe and obey, as well as punishments in the form of Hell for those who deny and disobey.

In Islam, a large amount of appreciation or punishment is directly proportional to the amount of sacrifice or crime committed by someone. On this basis, Allah also promised several awards for a Muslim who fought in his way at the expense of his life, to marry him to seventy-two angels.

The essence of Islamic theology is faith in God, namely "The One and Only God." This teaching is conveyed by an Arab Prophet, the Prophet Muhammad through the intercession of the Word of God, namely the Qur'an.

The concept of God taught by the Qur'an clearly has consequences. Trust in God, the One God, demands a painful change of consciousness. First generation Muslims were accused of being "atheists" who endangered society. The Quraysh seemed to feel disconnected from their ancestral gods as a big threat, and soon Muhammad's own life was threatened.

The most important consequence of faith in Allah and the recognition that the Prophet Muhammad was a prophet and messenger sent by Allah, that a Muslim must believe anything that is reported through the Qur'an and the news conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad. Especially news and news about the end of the day; includes in it the day of vengeance.

Every Muslim is required to believe in the end and days of refuge even though their reason and reason cannot, even if they cannot, to digest it. The Qur'an indeed encourages Muslims to use their minds in an effort to understand the Qur'an and Islam. But in Islam, reason has limitations.

The Qur'an describes life in the world as a short but valuable opportunity, an opportunity that gives a once-for-forever choice. Perfect and essential life is only life in the hereafter.

There, there are only two places back for all humans, namely Heaven or State. Heaven for humans who believe in and obey God and Hell for those who are kufr and disobey Allah.

In Arabic, heaven is called jannah. Jannah itself etymologically means a garden or a garden full of plants and trees. Heaven is among the greatest gifts that God gives to His servants who are always obedient and submissive to Him.

Even though it is still abstract, the picture of Heaven can be said to be such a detail mentioned both in the Qur'an and Hadith, and described very beautifully and beautifully. Nevertheless the description is clear, in a short language, the Prophet Muhammad still mentions that all the pleasures that are in heaven have never been seen, heard, and imagined and crossed the human heart.

Of the many charms of Heaven, one of the most enchanting powers there is the angel. In Arabic, angels are interpreted as al-huur al-inIin. Al-Huur is a plural form of hauraa`, which means that beautiful young women are charming, their skin is smooth and the seeds of their eyes are very black.

Al Quran mentions several characteristics and characteristics of nymphs. Among them are: bowing down by just looking at her husband; full of love for her husband; good and holy, that is holy from vile words, holy from indulging in views, and holy clothes and body from dirt; and beaten in tents. In addition, the Qur'an also describes angels as very beautiful women; age-old who do not experience aging; human and jinn have never been touched; and always virgin.

In Heaven, every man in Heaven will get at least two wives (nymphs). More than that, there is no saheeh had definitively stated how many angels a male occupant of Heaven has. As for the addition, it is in accordance with the level and practice of the man as long as in the world.

Saheeh hadith which promises the culprit to get seventy angels in the hereafter will be for the martyrs. As contained in the words of the Prophet, "A martyr will get six gifts from God: his sins are forgiven on the first drop of blood; the place for him is shown in heaven; saved from the tomb of the grave; saved from a terrible disaster; the crown of glory is put on his head, which is made of Yaqut which is better than the world and all its contents; he was also married to seventy-two angels of heaven; and he also gave intercession to seventy people from his relatives. "

God's promise in the form of Heaven and all its pleasures, including seventy-two angels, for a Muslim who is willing to fight in his way at the expense of his life, in essence is not the issue of the award. Rather, it relates to the self of a Muslim who manages to carry out the commandments of Allah well and keeps himself from persuading his desires.

Resist yourself from getting a pleasure in order to get more pleasure, perhaps this is the doctrine that Islam teaches its followers. Therefore, for a Muslim, the world is like a prison for them. On the contrary, the world is for infidels like the gardens of Heaven. Therefore, the freedom and true pleasure of every Muslim is in the hereafter.

In addition, in Islam, expecting seventy-two angels to sacrifice themselves in the way of Allah is not a matter of despair towards the world. But the encouragement of faith and strong belief in the promises of God that are conveyed through the verb of His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad.


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